ShimoKita Bam Bamはフィリパ・ハリスによるソロバンドです。彼女は琴、ベース、ドラムを自在に操るミュージシャンで、プロデューサーでもあります。アメリカンR&Bと日本のポップスを巧みに融合させたフィリパの音楽は、伝統的な要素と現代的なサウンド、そしてダイナミックなリズムが特徴です。拠点はボストン郊外ですが、スピリチュアルな故郷は東京の下北沢です。アーティストやライブハウス、そして活気ある居酒屋が集まるこの街の雰囲気が、ShimoKita Bam Bamの音楽スタイルに深く影響を与えています。
ShimoKita Bam Bam is a solo project by Philippa Harris, a musician (koto, bass, and drums) and producer who creates a blend of American R&B and Japanese pop, of traditional and modern sounds, and driving rhythms. They are based near Boston, Massachusetts but their spiritual home is in Shimokitazawa, a funky neighborhood in Tokyo, Japan full of artists, live houses, and, of course, izakayas. Philippa has been making music most of their life, primarily as a side-person in more conventional indie rock and blues bands. Over the course of their career, Philippa has watched various musicians they came up with achieve various levels of success – from getting signed to major labels, to getting dropped from major labels, to headlining arena concerts. As a side-person, Philippa never achieved “rock stardom”. But now that they are older, they are becoming more philosophical. With age Philippa realizes that there is no point in playing it safe, trying to write songs you think will be hits. It’s time to write songs that reflect their own life and experiences, no matter how goofy or out of the main stream.