ガットギター&ボーカル時田ボレロ時蔵を中心に、ジャズ、ソウル、ラテン、スカ、歌謡、フォークなど雑多でオーセンティックなジャンルを貪欲に取り入れたサウンドに、切なく漂う男の哀愁を唄う。時田時蔵ひとりでの弾語りから、Dr: KAZZ (勝手にしやがれ)、Bass: Ma-Chan(AFRO DIAMONDS)、Keyboard: ヨコタマサト(Queer)らとのバンド編成など様々なスタイルで幅広く活動中。
Centered around guitarist and vocalist Tokita Bolero Tokizo, their music is a delightful mix of jazz, soul, Latin, ska, kayou, and folk. They sing of a man's wistful melancholy with a sound that greedily incorporates a variety of authentic genres. From solo performances by Tokita Tokizo to full band setups featuring Dr. KAZZ (from Katteni Shiyagare), Bassist Ma-Chan (from AFRO DIAMONDS), and Keyboardist Yokota Masato (from Queer), they are active in a wide range of styles.