日本のJAM BAND、DACHAMBOのサイケデリックギターとソウルフルボイス担当。FUJI ROCK FESTIVALには13回の出演。アメリカやオーストラリアのBIG FESまで、幅広く活躍しながら培ってきた感性は、フェス番長の異名を持つ反面、ソロ活動では歌を唄うことを中心に、自分の脳内風景を表現し続けているジプシーでもある。オーストラリアのマルディグラス、アメリカのBIG FES、Oregon Eclipse 2017のメインステージ、そして日本人バンド初のバーニングマンにも出演!!コロナ禍に2枚のソロアルバムを同時発売した。
Psychedelic guitarist and soulful vocalist of Japan's jam band, DACHAMBO. With an impressive 13 appearances at the FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL, he's made his mark far and wide, even gracing major festivals in the US and Australia. Known as the "Festival Boss," he channels his vast experiences into his solo projects, crafting music that reflects his inner visions. He's performed at Australia's Mardi Gras, on the main stage of Oregon Eclipse 2017, and was the first Japanese band to play at Burning Man! Even during the pandemic, he released two solo albums simultaneously. Get ready for a mind-blowing musical journey!