踊るスカバンド"THE SPATS MAN"-ザ・スパッツマン-
交流したりしなかったりしながら、それぞれの道で40年近くに渡り音楽活動を続けてきたミュージシャン仲間が、「やっぱりSKAは良い」をキーワードに2022年に突然集結し「THE SPATS MAN」が誕生、神奈川・東京でのライブを中心に活動を開始する。
Clad in a sonic armor, they've rushed onto the scene with a bang! Introducing the danceable ska band "THE SPATS MAN" - ザ・スパッツマン!
After nearly 40 years of music-making, on their own paths, a group of musicians who’ve crossed each other’s paths now and then have reunited in 2022, suddenly rallying around the key phrase "Ska is awesome after all." Thus, "THE SPATS MAN" was born, and they’ve started performing live mainly in Kanagawa and Tokyo.
With a deep respect and admiration for the historic Authentic-SKA, as well as 2-TONE, SKA-PUNK, DUB, Rocksteady, and Dancehall, THE SPATS MAN is all about creating music that's unbound by fixed genres, yet still easy to vibe with. They aim to create beats that naturally get hearts and bodies moving while, at the same time, admitting that they want to look cool doing it. In this way, the band members are perfectly in sync with each other.
They’re also excited to host their own live event, "SPATS ROCKET," where they’ll perform alongside various artists and DJs from different genres. And, not to mention, their online talk show, "THE SPATS MAN RADIO," where they talk so much it might as well be a broadcast mishap – but they’re not fazed by it! In 2024, they'll continue releasing new music, and with rumors swirling that they're finally finding their groove, the buzz around them is starting to grow. Keep an eye out for THE SPATS MAN!
様々なジャンルのアーティストやDJとの共演も楽しみな自主企画ライブイベント「SPATS ROCKET」の開催、喋りすぎの放送事故など物ともしないTHE SPATS MANメンバーによるオンライントーク番組「THE SPATS MAN RADIO」の配信、2024年には音源作品のリリースも続き、「いよいよ首が据わってきたか」との評判のもと、その動向に注目が集まる兆しが見え隠れし出している。Based in Toyama, Hokuriku, formed in 2014 around Daishoji Mansaku, who is active as a DJ, singer-songwriter, event organizer, and bar owner. Using rustic-style instruments, the band incorporates various genres of world music such as Irish, swing, ska, reggae, calypso, samba, Latin, waltz, and polka, without being confined to a single category. The band was named "Gypsy Orquesta" due to their style of adopting any genre of music they find good, crossing borders. With a focus on entertainment and catchiness, their theme is to create danceable songs that strike a sophisticated and exquisite balance. Rather than harboring grand ambitions, they prioritize enjoying live performances and self-organized events while sharing drinks and fun with close friends. In 2024, they will celebrate their 10th anniversary.